Machine learning solutions are transforming business capabilities. Reimagine what’s possible, and leave the competition behind.

Unlock your competitive edge with
machine learning development services

In today’s fast-paced business environment, staying competitive means embracing machine learning. ML is the key to success for forward-thinking companies, revolutionizing industries by driving cost reduction, optimizing processes, and enhancing customer satisfaction through the untapped potential of data.

At StackSync Labs, we do more than just develop machine learning solutions—we are innovators. Our expertise in machine learning can transform your business processes and open up new opportunities across a range of industries. Whether it’s ecommerce, finance, healthcare, education, retail, or proptech, the possibilities with AI and machine learning are boundless. Partner with us to lead the digital revolution and harness the power of your data for growth and success.

ML Consulting & Strategy Building

Are you looking to streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, or gain a competitive edge through machine learning? Our ML consulting services are tailored to your needs. We assess your existing technology infrastructure, identify opportunities for ML integration, and develop customized strategies for successful implementation.

MLOps Consulting

Our MLOps consulting services help organizations adopt best practices and streamline workflows, ensuring faster and more reliable development and deployment of ML models. We assist in selecting and configuring tools for version control, testing, deployment, and monitoring, significantly reducing the time it takes to transition models from development to production.

Data Engineering

We ensure that the data used for training machine learning models is of the highest quality and properly prepared for specific tasks. Our comprehensive data engineering services cover everything from data collection and cleaning to feature engineering and data augmentation, setting a solid foundation for your ML initiatives.

Custom ML Model Development

Our team specializes in creating domain-specific ML models by fine-tuning pre-trained models to meet the unique requirements of your business. Whether using BERT, GPT, or Llama 2, we ensure that your models deliver context-aware responses with exceptional accuracy and precision.

Integration Into Workflows

We focus on ensuring that our ML solutions seamlessly integrate into your existing workflows, making AI adoption effortless and efficient. Additionally, we provide comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure peak performance of your ML systems, addressing any evolving needs or challenges that may arise over time.

Machine learning can be used across practically any sector or industry

Machine learning can support your business in many ways:

Increase sales.

50% of customers are willing to purchase more frequently when machine learning is present.

Improve productivity.

Machine learning technologies are projected to increase labor productivity by up to 40% by 2035.

Analyze large volumes of data.

ML gives apps the ability to learn and improve over time. It is extremely adept at processing large volumes of data quickly and identifying patterns and trends.

Improve customer satisfaction.

75% of enterprises using AI and machine learning tools enhance customer satisfaction by more than 10%.

Training machine learning model to find illegal contractual clauses

Our scope of machine learning development services. Poland’s Office of Competition and Consumer Protection wanted to create an automated process that would alert consumers by highlighting suspicious parts of the text to protect consumers from abusive clauses.

This required creating a tool that can analyze the language of complex legal texts, detecting abusive clauses before the consumer signs the agreement.

Stack Sync Lab’s role:

  • Creating a system to detect abusive clauses
  • Training a machine learning-powered Natural Language Processing (NLP) model to classify contractual terms

Machine learning FAQ's

How do you estimate a machine learning project?

It can be difficult to provide a ballpark figure for machine learning solutions. Estimating your project depends on many factors, such as what challenges your company is trying to solve, what artificial intelligence solutions, software, or tools would best serve your company, what your expectations are in terms of accuracy, the suitability of your data, and more.

For a more definitive answer, get in touch, and one of our experts will talk you through suitable machine learning services and give you an estimate based on an analysis of your precise requirements.

StackSync Labs offers a variety of services, from data collection strategy to building a scalable machine learning infrastructure.

AI Design Sprint – rapidly validate your machine learning project

ML Processes Audit – verify your machine learning delivery processes

Data Quality Assessment – plan your data collection strategy

ML-Ops Transformation – build a scalable machine learning infrastructure

Data-Ops Transformation – build a scalable data infrastructure

Machine learning applications can bring you more clients, provide greater insights, increase sales, and reduce business costs. However, if not used properly, they may lead to customer outflow, money loss, and reputation damage.

Data is the key to success in machine learning and deep learning applications. In traditional software development, humans create computer systems, and machines simply follow these pre-programmed rules. Thus, the crucial part of the application is the algorithm inside.

There are hundreds of business applications for machine learning solutions. In general, they solve several types of problems. The main ones are:

Classification: Is this credit card transaction fraudulent or not? Is this email spam or not? Machine learning tools are great when you need to divide objects (for example, clients or products) into two or more pre-defined groups.

Clustering: ML models are used to find parallels between data points and divide objects into similar groups (clusters). Importantly, there is no need to define the groups in advance.

Regression: It’s like a future prediction. On the basis of an input from a data set (usually historical data plus other factors), ML models estimate the most likely numeric value of a particular quantity. It could be anything, such as stock prices, consumer behavior, or wear and tear on a piece of equipment.

Dimensionality reduction: In an ocean of information, ML tools can choose which data is the most significant and how it can be summarised. In practice, it is applied in such fields as photo processing and text analysis.

Although machine learning solutions give businesses numerous new options, there are situations when it’s better to stick with traditional software methods.

When are you better off avoiding ML solutions?

You don’t have enough data: machine learning is designed to work with huge amounts of data If the training data set is too small, then the system’s decisions will be biased.

Data is too noisy: “Noise” in ML is the irrelevant information in a data set. If there is too much of it, the computer might memorize noise. 

You don’t have much time (or money): Custom ML solutions can be time- and resource-intensive. First, data scientists need to prepare a data set (if they don’t do it, see point no. 2). Then, the computer needs some time to learn. Then the IT team performs a test and adjusts the model. Then, the computer needs some time to learn again. IT performs another test and adjusts the model. The computer goes back to learning. The cycle repeats over and over again. As the time needed increases, this is reflected in the pricing of your project.

You have a simple problem to solve.

To sum up: Machine learning models help find patterns in the chaos of big data sets. It is worth considering when you have a complex task to solve or if you’re dealing with a large volume of data and lots of variables. But this method has its limits. It’s better not to choose it if you are limited by time or the amount or quality of available data.

Machine learning services are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) service that allow businesses to use sophisticated algorithms to learn from data and make predictions and recommendations.

Machine learning services can be used for a variety of purposes, such as predicting consumer behavior, increasing sales, improving customer service, and more. They work by using large amounts of data to “train” the algorithm, and then that algorithm can make predictions and recommendations based on what it has learned.

Yes, machine learning algorithms can help businesses to understand their customers in two main ways.

Firstly, machine learning can be used to analyze customer data in order to identify patterns and trends. This information can then be used to create customer profiles, which can help businesses to better understand what types of customers they have and what they might want or need.

Secondly, machine learning can be used to predict customer behavior. By analyzing past customer data, machine learning algorithms can learn how certain behaviors are likely to lead to specific outcomes (such as purchasing a product or signing up for a service).

This information can then be used to create predictive models that can help businesses to anticipate what customers will do in the future and thus optimize their marketing strategies accordingly.

Rescue your company’s growth!

Let us know about your business plans on an introductory call, and we’ll lead the matching process.